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nathan for all his help so far with bans, help with ghost and all the work he did for the channel. Big thanks for the stats!

Debbs for being such a nice company all the time and for her exuberant optimism. Also, thanks for bringing marty in!

dimsy and aiky for making us love and for keeping the channel so active and funny.

ytg and lopis for their snappy wit and thus, for making #hopeless such a great place to be in.

Shauni for keeping the channel so active when she is on.

Grookie for teaching us how silence can be a virtue.

ingen for letting us know so many words in foreign languages.

HPearce and Silenthill for teaching us daily how to be patient.

v3ritas and GoldenBrown for their finest humour. It must be a Swedish thing.

Rafael, the science boy, for posting so many "increase your IQ"-like YouTube videos.

northerndawn and Nuff for their very subtle British humour.

balthazar for always being so forgiving.


stone and marty for their disarming decency and kindness.

six for coming back to us and for being such a great friend always!

... and to all our friends who have been joining and making the channel active and cozy.

(will add more later)

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